Sunday, January 8, 2012

Med Prompter Pro

Med prompter is a medicine reminder application. It’s a simple utility presented with an incredible user interface,

Some of the features of this application are as follows

Reminder for each dose of each medicine:

You can setup reminders for every dosage of each medicine. The reminders are set for the time you wish to take your medicines. If you tap the reminder pop up( as in the pic on the left) the medicines that are to taken that time are displayed as a list (picture on the right)

Flexibility with the medicine dosage:

Medicine entry is made very flexible with the timings and the days is left to the user. This is very flexible compared to some similar applications where this flexibility is not given and the user is forced to get reminded about applications when he doesn’t require; for example some applications force the user with options like alternate days, once a week and stuff. Where as in this application user can choose any day he wants and any pattern.

Type of medicine:

The type of medicine is displayed in the list through a picture like the one shown in the first picture. Five types of medicines are supported:
  1. Pill
  2. Cream
  3. Liquid
  4. Drops
  5. Inhalational

Details of your medicine is stored:

Forgot to take the prescription to the drug store? Don’t worry you can retrieve the major details from this application. The details like the name, amount , type , total amount of medicine is permanently stored unless you chose to delete that.

Refill Prompter:

A refill alert is shown when your medicine starts to run out with a small symbol, This is calculated based on the input given by you ie., the amount taken per dose and the total dose available with you. If it starts to become less than 10% then a refill alert is shown in the app’s main page and the page when that particular medicine is reminded.

Lot more small features like when is the next dose,call doctor, help in every page etc. is there in the app . Check it out and do rate it.



Really good app for those of us that take multiple meds at different times of day. A few adjustments please:

- Alarms need to have med name attached so that we know which med is to be taken.
- Once alarm is closed (without med name attached) there is no way to tell which med has been marked taken or not as the swipe might have just been to silence the alrarm! Not knowingly you have updated a med that you have taken it when you really haven't.
- Meds do now show if a dose has been missed. Important especially if you have closed a reminder without knowing which med it belonged to.

Thanks for considering!

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